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Prepared community, integrated child

Training courses for teachers in techniques for working with autistic children at school

The Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation organized in October 2015 a training course for teachers, in working with the children with autism at school.  The course addresses teachers both in mainstream and  special schools, especially support teachers.

Training takes place within the project “Prepared comunity, integrated child – support for educational and social integration of children with autism spectrum disorders” and aims to acquire, by teachers, new skills and learning techniques to approach the child with the disorder autistic spectrum (ASD), designed to improve their performance in terms of school integration of children with ASD. Training is supported by three lecturers from Iceland, with long experience in training and supervising teachers working with children with ASD.

The course takes place in Bucharest in 3 sets of three days each, as follows:

Series I: 6 to 8 October

Series II: October 10 to 12

Series III: October 14 to 16

The number of places is limited (100 teachers in Bucharest and Braila, Tulcea and Vrancea, Vaslui, Bacau, Neamt, Suceava, Botosani counties), and participation is free, organizers ensuring the transportation, accommodating students and all course materials fees.

Registrations are made online by completing the form available at:

The deadline for completing and submitting the form is September 16, 2015.

The “Prepared comunity, integrated child – support for educational and social integration of children with autism spectrum disorders” project is implemented by the Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation in partnership with the State Diagnostic and Counseling Center (SDCC) of Iceland and the General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection in Bucharest and 9 counties having a high number of cases of ASD. The project has a duration of 12 months and is funded by the EEA grants from 2009 to 2014, in the NGO Fund in Romania.

For more information about courses and enrollment, contact:

Roxana Tudose

Tel: 0731.137.529, e-mail:

Fondul ONGProject financed through the EEA grants 2009-2014, under the NGO Fund Program in Romania. For official information on EEA and Norway Grants access:
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of EEA grants 2009 – 2014
The entire responsibility the correctness and coherence of the information belongs to the initiators of the website.