School integration of children with autism offers the most chances for the development of skills and abilities and for the improvement of social and communication behaviors. The success of the intervention on people with ASD, expressed in the increase of the functionality and in social and school integration, depends heavily on the training of personnel in the public/ private services in specific interventions for ASD and adapting the work environment.
In the project “Prepared community, integrated child”, an important activity for increasing opportunities to integrate children with ASD in the school environment and additional to the one of specialized interventions is the professionals’ training. This activity addresses both to professionals of ASD centres and to teachers. TSA centres targeted are those that belong to the General Directorates for Social Assistance and Child Protection, partners in project. The professionals from ASD centres will benefit from a training course to improve working techniques with children with ASD and, through an online platform, will receive specialized feedback regarding the interventions for children.
Also, the chances of integrating children with ASD in a form of education depend on the acceptance of them by the school environment, the capacity for development of teachers in working with children with autism and on providing a working environment appropriate for the learning needs of children with autism. In this sense, partnership agreements with educational institutions in the counties with TSA centers will be signed and teachers will be selected to participate in the course.
100 teachers in mainstream and special education will benefit from specific training in a working method in a structured way, a method that has proven its effectiveness for the children with ASD. This course will also be available for the professionals from ASD centers to familiarize with working techniques in the school environment and to create collaborative functional and efficient relationships between local social services and the education system. The course will be delivered by three international lecturers with long experience in training and consulting in applying the techniques of working with children with autism, collaborators of the State Diagnostic and Counselling Centre .