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Prepared community, integrated child

Romanian Angel Appeal reissued “Guidelines for community school”

Bucharest, January 2016

Press release

Given that, in Romania, the number of autistic children integrated into the educational system remains small, and the information and training programs for teachers on the topic of autism are available in small numbers, the Romanian Angel Appeal reissued “Guidelines for community school” adapted from a material developed by Autism Speaks. The guide provides a comprehensive view of how specifically to integrate children with autism into school and is made based on the data provided by experts, parents, carers and teachers.

This guide provides useful information on basic symptoms, difficulties and unique skills that can be associated with autism and specific strategies to relate to people with whom the child meets at school (teachers, colleagues, support / administrative / medical / security staff).

Also it includes ideas and recommendations on child support offered in education and preventing undesirable behavior, covering the following areas: communication, social and organizational skills, positive behavior, sensory needs etc.

The material is appropriate for parents, teachers and other interested persons and can be accessed online and downloaded from the project website:

Printed version is freely distributed to project beneficiaries through the ASD counseling centers of the partners since December, 2015.

For parents this guide can be a support in the relationship with the school, informing them of the correct setting of the educational framework and effective ways to integrate children.

The guide was updated and reissued within the project “Prepared community, integrated child – support for school and social integration of children with autism spectrum disorders”, implemented by the Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation, in partnership with the State Diagnostic and Counseling Center – Iceland and Directorates of Social Assistance and Child Protection from 4th district of Bucharest and 9 other counties (Bacau, Botosani, Braila, Neamt, Prahova, Suceava, Tulcea, Vaslui, Vrancea). The project started on 1 April 2015, it has an implementation period of 12 months being financed through EEA grants from 2009 to 2014, under the NGO Fund in Romania.

The total project value is EUR 148,794.00 of which 133,894.00 euro grant funding and 14,900.00 euro co-funding.

Fondul ONGProject financed through the EEA grants 2009-2014, under the NGO Fund Program in Romania. For official information on EEA and Norway Grants access:
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of EEA grants 2009 – 2014
The entire responsibility the correctness and coherence of the information belongs to the initiators of the website.